Well, I can’t say this is my usual post on my website! However, I must say it feels good to be here. I’ve missed you all.
I’m not a blogger, but at this point in time, I don’t have a podcast episode to give you, and I just wanted to provide you a small update on my life (short and sweet – I promise I won’t bore you).
2021 was MY YEAR OF ME. What does that mean? I’d love to tell you. Last time you heard my “not a highlight reel” story back in… March 2021? I honestly don’t remember. I spent the year learning about myself, meeting friends that will be my bridesmaids, spending time with family (when socially not frowned upon), and doing things I love without apologizing. Truthfully, it felt GREAT.
I had another amazing year at my full-time job planning events (still all virtual… will we ever be in person again? I can hope). Our team was busier than ever, but it felt truly amazing to gain new friends in the industry, get promoted, and become a manager to some pretty amazing humans.
My videography biz TOOK OFF. If you’re a frequent visitor to my site, you’ll see a new Videography tab at the top of my website with some videos I’ve created over the last year and a half. I’m even taking new clients! Doing videography full time is a DREAM, and I can already tell that 2022 is going to be my year of dreams. I’ve even taken on an event specialist position at my bartending job.
In 2021, I grew mentally and emotionally. Now, 2022 gives me the opportunity to grow financially and with the career(s) of my dreams (let’s be real, will I ever just have one job? Probably not).
What does that mean for podcasting? Absolutely nothing. I know I haven’t released an episode lately, but I promise I haven’t forgotten, and I sure don’t plan to never release an episode again. I just need to regroup and refocus (it’ll come in time). I hope to make Panicked Millennial my brand (wow, I sound like an influencer) so you can all get a glimpse into my podcast and videography.
All of that to say, I miss you guys, and I can’t wait to show you what’s coming next.
Talk very soon.